
The winners of the Web Excellence Awards are selected through a meticulous evaluation process based on a standard of excellence. This process is led by top-tier professionals from diverse backgrounds, ensuring a fair assessment of multiple criteria, including creativity, functionality, innovation, and overall impact. With transparent criteria and assessment steps, we ensure that all entries have been carefully evaluated in a non-discriminatory manner.

Judging Process

During the judging process, each entry in the competition is assigned to several experts from various backgrounds for evaluation. The judges are provided with the mission statement and detailed criteria, and they will carefully assess the creativity, functionality, technical execution, innovation, implementation, strategy, and impact of the submitted projects.

Objective Assessment

All entries submitted to the Web Excellence Awards competition are evaluated based on a standard of excellence. They are determined and scored on a ten-point scale by the judging committee. A category may have multiple winners or no winners at all. Please note that the entry fee does not guarantee selection as a winner. As a result, entry fees are non-refundable, even if a submission is not awarded. The judging committee will make the final decision on winners, and therefore, all decisions of the committee will be final.

Refining and Updating Categories

If the judges determine that an entry is better suited for a specific category, they may request to relocate it accordingly. This reassignment of categories is carried out without any prejudice or bias, and all decisions are made based on the expertise and judgment of all evaluators.

We are committed to achieving excellence by continuously improving and updating our judging categories. We highly value your input and encourage you to share your suggestions for new categories at info@we-awards.com. Your feedback is incredibly valuable as we strive to create an inclusive and relevant competition.

Judging Criteria

All entries submitted to the Web Excellence Awards program will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  1. Innovation and creativity
  2. Functionality and usability
  3. Content and overall user experience
  4. Visual design and aesthetics
  5. Technical quality and performance
  6. Overall experience

Multiple Entries

To increase your chances of winning, you can submit your work in multiple categories. However, please note that each entry will be evaluated individually for each category entered, and entry fees are applicable for each submission. We encourage participants to thoroughly review the competition’s rules and regulations to ensure eligibility and accurate categorization.

Transparent Communication

All entrants will be notified via email as soon as the winners of the Web Excellence Awards competition are announced. After submitting your entries, you will have the opportunity to update your submission details and provide any additional materials. If our judges have any questions or require further information, we will contact you during the judging period.

Become a Judge

We are delighted to invite exceptional industry experts, thought leaders and visionaries from various disciplines to become part of our esteemed judging committee.

To become a member of our judging committee, kindly fill out the application form. We will carefully review each application and promptly provide you with a response.

Feedback and Suggestions

Should you have any inquiries or feedback regarding the Web Excellence Awards competition, please feel free to contact us at info@we-awards.com. Our top priority is to ensure a seamless and equitable experience for all participants, and we are here to assist you in any way possible.